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As a new student, i will proudly do some simple intro
1. I'm alia and my blog name is very long 'Colours, dark or bright, make the world beautiful'
2. I started blogging on Feb 2008
3. Many people blog to search for extra income and share interest. Actually, blog is a very powerful tool. It can be read by the whole world, and if you are someone influential like Tun Mahathir, you can just blog your opinion out. No need to call for press conference anymore. Being a simple person, I blog so that I can keep my memories somewhere and keep in touch with friends :)
4. This IPTM, Universiti Blogger Malaysia, should be a cool place for Malaysian blogger to mingle together sharing interest and opinions. And being a university, I hope I can learn something valuable from UBM.
nizam datang singgah dari UBM.. :)
jemput ke blog nizam yer. :)
hai nizam :)
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