Hello People

"No matter how hard life is, just think positive and you will succeed!" -Aliakamal-

Sunday, August 30, 2009

trying my best is just not enough

i need passion!

hello everyone!
i've just reached ptar 1 with the intention to do some dr o's work
but knowing me, u know that i would not be able to do much. huhu~~

1. i'm not good at dreamweaver, swishmax, photoshop
2. because i don't like doing these
3. i'm alone (my sis n her friend is studying in the other section of the lib.), so the tendency to merapu is very high

i'll try my best though..
alia, jngn malas!!

anyway, these are the blooming flowers that i planted myself
i forgot to tell u that gardening is my new passion..hehe
my house is now surrounded with all kinds of trees
these plants is the new medicine 4 my worries
i love all of u!!

i dedicated this red rose 2 all my friends :)


Alep said...

Alia jngan malas...
aku xpe

x sangka ko da brkebun yea
tanam la durian wei
bole gak aku mkan


hehe bagus naa bercucuk tanam
mak aku rajin tanam pokok sayur
tanam pokok bunga tak jadi

alia kamal said...

alep, kte da tanam 6 anak pokok durian 4 u! haha
p/s: nape plak xpe kalau awk malas???

munirah, kte plak xreti tanam sayur..
kangkung2 sume kurus2 d rmah

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