Hello People

"No matter how hard life is, just think positive and you will succeed!" -Aliakamal-

Monday, May 25, 2009

random pictures =)

preoccupied with sand digging
*nice port dickson beach*

eat eat eat!

my one and only difficult-to-understand sister =)

a wondrous building called school
*spent 5 years here with a smiling face*

on mama's birthday
*waiting for ikan bakar to cook*

it's my year of birth!
*hehe, i'm honoured*

i prepared this :)

watching x-men 2gether
*khadijah, me, n hidayah*

my snack
*mm nyummy*

ayman najwan
*a newborn baby who is now 5 y.old*

makngah, tokwan, abah, n me
*father's day celebration*

a night at melaka with my asasi tesl friends
a moment to remember
*me, qilah, hud, moon, hussein, alef, n ikram*

misty fraser's hill
*ayman, iman(cousin), arab(c), nawfal, idin (c), me n mama*

Happy Birthday Tok :)
*tok with ayman n irdina (c)*


Anonymous said...

manhattan fish market!!!

Syahmi said...

sedap!! kasihan aku x bley mkn wuuu

zerronemo said...

memory pelbagai

alia kamal said...

fatin> tererla kamu

syahmi> nnti dh shat makan bnyk2 ye

zharin> blog kamu pun best!

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