meet mr brian, mdm wan intan (was speaking to someone at that time), mr shahrizan, mrs shamsullaini, miss munirah (hidden), mr gerald, mdm karena and miss baby ayu :)
my office environment is very calm and some people may also refer to as scary. usually, not many people are moving around during office hour. the top management area is scarier,the area is huge, quite dimmed with sets of sofa everywhere. no one come upstairs if they don't have any business. then again, it's not scary la alia, it's called sunyi.

meet a jalan-jalan sampai pengsan celebration. I had lotssss of fun on that day :D *SUPER HAPPY*
(I wish i could go outing more frequently with ALL my friends from ALL over the country..but going out sure cost u money-i'm currently saving money for some 'overseas' vacation...ahahaha..oversea la sngt kan)
btw, i'm open anytime for a jogging meeting or library meeting or pasar malam meeting. i miss all the people called friends so much. recently, what i see around are just serious colleagues at work. huhuhu...

btw, i intend to visit the city again when the snowfall machine from korea arrives :D snoowwwyy bebeyh! who wants to join me? hehe..
oo best nye tmpt prktikal..
alia alia jom g i-city pastu bwk sorg photographer..biar die je tgkp gmbr kte byk2..bleh wt kngn.. :p
hai cik dayah!
tempat praktikal tu ok la, kalau ade awk lagi best. hehe..
haah kan. hidayah, kte tuggu smpai salji da turun, pastu kte masuk tmpat yg kne byr 25 ringgit tu ok?
mula2 kte kne tangkap photographer dlu..haha..
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