Hello People

"No matter how hard life is, just think positive and you will succeed!" -Aliakamal-

Friday, November 13, 2009

one, two, three, and four!


after 4 long months, i finally got a chance to write with a calm mind. hhahaha..

yeah, my third semester was very2 tough. i can't believe that i had survived the catastrophes.

it's true that i've learnt a lot. besides the knowledge of pragmatics, cross-cultural interaction and prof. comm, i'd also gained knowledge on using mcromedia director, dreamweaver, photoshop, and swishmax. i've never expected that i will learn to create my own website using dreamweaver. the last time i heard the word dreamweaver was during asasi and i had no idea what that thing is. huhu..

my emotions had run very wild and so did others'....
upon reading fatin 'izzati's blog recently, i was surprised to see how this third semester had also affected her.
i believe that u know that unlike me, fatin is very good at managing time. her works were always done much earlier than the submission date whilst i usually would only start doing my assignmnt during the early hours of the submission date. pkul 8.30 pagi nk antar, pkul 2-3 pagi bru bngun bwat. gile btul!
ooooh, i've tried to change this bad attitude but failed. the work stress was the only force that make my brain moves. i was usually too tired by things that always come around me.

however, nearing the final exam and DURING the exam, the work tense transformed into a very huge workload when it also involved producing own website with three photoshop artworks, three swishmax banners, resume, and other many many things..(you will not be able to guess how many hours that i've spent on the comp. doing this tiring work). adoi!

thank god i have a very2 collaborative, supportive, productive, and creative group for mip! if not, i would possibly die. thank u so much ninie, hasinah, tun, and kak ita. i'm looking forward towards producing a complete multimedia instructional package (mip) with you guys. (hoho, just be positive alia).

having no study week made things worst and..
finally, i only managed to gather 2-3 hours to study the book before every examination except for the last paper. i repeat, every! it's a miracle if i can get B for all the subjects, don't mention about getting an A.

i'd also met with a terrible car accident on the 1st of october (i'd rather not tell the whole story) but dont worry, i, with the other two passenger -hasinah n kak ita- were not injured. though the wira car that hit us was terribly damaged-it had to be towed. it was a nightmare and still is.

believe it or not, the cats in kenanga (the block where most of my classes are located) play significant roles in giving me a terrible semester.

like fatin, i would also like to declare that this semester was the most depressing, tiring, and frustrating semester. the only think i can do is, i will try my best to make my fourth semester a brighter one.

will be travelling to parit buntar tomorrow. i'm very excited because this will be the second time i travel in a train (the first was when i was six). i miss my grandparents soo much and my family wouldn't be able to come back during raye haji since Atiya will be sitting for her spm. also desperately need to get away from shah alam for a while.


for graduating my third semester, i bought myself a new laptop. (xboleh blah, i know. haha..) i finished my last exam on friday and bought the new comp on saturday. yeay for me! it's an asus that has a cool touch pad. 25% cooler than body temperature, it says.


insyaallah i will be attending a camp on 23-25 of Nov. in PD together with fatin, tun, ida n other apb students (apb is my faculty's name). it's a leadership camp and the camp will surely reminds me of BTN n u guys-the asasians :)

also, when i checked my mail just now, i read an email that is burdening my mind..

Dear Scholar,
Hope this email finds you well.

You are required to attend scholars development programme, details as

Programme : Scholar Development Programme Level 2 -Intermediate
Itinerary : Please refer attachment
Date : 11 - 14 December 2009
Venue : Genting View Resort
Depart Date : 11 December 09, Friday (Wisma Sime Darby, Lobby)
Depart Time : 8.00 am

On the registration day, for guys and ladies please wear smart casual (colar t-shirt and khakis or slack plus closed toe shoes), no jeans and slipper are allowed.
(See attached file: SDP.ppt)

Items to bring:

1) Office attire + Shoes - Please bring enough office attire for the
2) Toiletries
3) No jeans and slippers are allowed during the programme

It is compulsory to all scholars. Please confirm your attendance by 28th
November 2009, Saturday.

For outstation students, please submit your ticket for reimbursement.
If you have any enquiries please email and call me.
Thank you.

alaaaaa......why? oh whhhyyy???
i will definitely have the outgroup feeling. i'm not smart like THEM! what will the smart kids and i be discussing? die die die. ~yeah, i'm not a positive girl i used to be anymore.

p/s: i went to watch 2012 with all my siblings (they ponteng! haha). my rate: 4/5! a must-watch-movie :)

p/ss: ATIYA, all the best for your SPM. You have worked hard already dear, just give your best shot girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. byknye name kite. hehehe.

tahniah alia. welcome part 4!!

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